bahujan nayak
Awaaz Uthao, Badlaav Lavo
Welcome to the Bahujan Nayak website , a platform that presents information about the heroes of the Bahujan community, their achievements and struggles.
Our mission is to empower the Bahujan community, and our goal is to bring to you information about the great sacrifices our heroes have made for us.
Stories of Change
Here you will see inspiring stories of Bahujan leaders, social activists, and common people. These stories are examples of the courage, determination, and passion of the Bahujan community.
Here we discuss social justice, economic equity, and the fight against caste discrimination.
News & Updates
Get the latest news, events, and developments that affect the Bahujan community. From policy changes to news updates, we will provide you with everything you need to know.

Dashrath Manjhi
Introduction to Dashrath Manjhi (Mountain Man) Dashrath Manjhi (1934-2007) बिहार के गया जिले के गहलौर गांव के एक गरीब मजदूर थे, जिन्होंने अपनी अदम्य इच्छाशक्ति

Tipu Sultan
Tipu Sultan Tipu Sultan (1751-1799) एक महान योद्धा, कुशल शासक और स्वतंत्रता सेनानी थे। उन्हें “मैसूर का शेर” के नाम से जाना जाता है। उनका

Savitribai Phule
Savitribai phule भारत की प्रथम महिला शिक्षिका Savitribai Phule Savitribai Phule : अपने पति महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले संग मिलकर स्त्रियों के अधिकारों एवं उन्हें शिक्षित करने

Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Birth Date : 26 June 1874 Real Name : Yeshwantrao Father name : Shreemant Jaysingrao Ghatge mother name : Radhabai Ghatge caste

Sant Kabir Das
sant Kabir das Sant Kabir Das was a prominent poet, saint and social reformer of the Indian Bhakti movement. Through his couplets and bhajans, he

Birsa Munda History
Birsa Munda history Life Introduction Birsa Munda history (15 November 1875 – 9 June 1900) was a great freedom fighter of India and a respected leader