Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj
Birth Date : 26 June 1874
Real Name : Yeshwantrao
Father name : Shreemant Jaysingrao Ghatge
mother name : Radhabai Ghatge
caste : maratha
chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj was adopted by his uncle, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ( fourth )

Accession to the Throne
chhatrapati shahuji મહારાજને 1894માં કોલ્હાપુરના છત્રપતિ જાહેર કરવામાં આવ્યા હતા. ત્યારે તેઓ માત્ર 20 વર્ષના હતા.
રાજા બન્યા પછી, તેમણે તેમના રાજ્યના લોકોના કલ્યાણ અને વિકાસ પર ધ્યાન આપવાનું શરૂ કર્યું.
chhatrapati શાહુજી મહારાજના શાસનનો સૌથી મોટો ઉદ્દેશ્ય સમાજના તમામ વર્ગોને સમાન અધિકાર આપવાનો હતો.
Social Reforms and Contribution to Education

Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj saw that the society of that time was facing the atrocities of the caste system and the caste system.
Due to this system, many people were deprived of education and rights.
Therefore,chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj took many steps to provide justice to the backward classes (SC, ST and OBC) such as Dalits and OBCs.
Reservation in Education and Employment
Shahu Maharaj took a historic decision in 1902, in which he started the system of reservation for the first time in Kolhapur state.
Under this rule, people of Dalit and OBC castes were given up to 50% reservation in education and government jobs.
This was a revolutionary step at that time, because no ruling power had taken such a decision before this.
Education Promotion
Shahuji Maharaj believed that development of society is not possible without education.
That is why he established many schools of education, which provided opportunity of education to people of all castes.
He worked to open different schools and colleges, so that people of every caste and religion could get educated.
A systematic education gave the society an opportunity to improve and rise.
support for Dr.b.r .ambedkar

શાહુ મહારાજે પણ બાબા સાહેબને ઘણી પ્રેરણા અને મદદ પૂરી પાડી હતી.
જ્યારે ડૉ. આંબેડકર ઈંગ્લેન્ડમાં તેમના ઉચ્ચ શિક્ષણ માટે આર્થિક રીતે સંઘર્ષ કરી રહ્યા હતા, શાહુજી મહારાજે તેમને આર્થિક મદદ કરી.
શાહુજી મહારાજના વિચારો અને સુધારાઓને સમજીને ડૉ. આંબેડકર અને તેમને સંપૂર્ણ સમર્થન આપ્યું હતું.
Efforts Towards Eradicating Caste Discrimination
તેમણે પોતાના પ્રવચનમાં ઘણી વખત કહ્યું કે સમાજનો વિકાસ કરવો હોય તો જાતિવાદને સંપૂર્ણપણે નાબૂદ કરવો પડશે.
તેમણે તમામ જાતિના લોકો માટે મંદિરોના દરવાજા ખોલ્યા અને દરેકને મંદિરમાં પ્રવેશવાનો અધિકાર આપ્યો.
શાહુ મહારાજે તેમના દરબારમાં ખાતરી આપી હતી કે કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તિ સાથે તેની જાતિના આધારે ભેદભાવ ન કરવો .
Agricultural Reforms
Shahu Maharaj also paid special attention to farmers and rural development.
At that time, many farmers were burdened with debt and zamindari system.
Shahuji Maharaj made many laws to improve this situation.
He arranged for debt waiver and facilities for farmers.
He provided new techniques and education to farmers to grow better crops.
Shahu Maharaj believed that if farmers prosper, the country will also prosper. That is why he worked to provide new laws and facilities for farmers.
Women's Empowerment

Shahuji Maharaj was a strong supporter of women’s education and rights.
At that time women did not get much respect in the society and they were deprived of much education and professional fields.
Shahuji Maharaj encouraged women’s education and established separate schools and colleges for them.
He also took strong steps against evils like child marriage and Sati Pratha.
He also made legal amendments to give women their due respect, so that they could enjoy their rights equally.
Legacy and Recognition
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj died on 6 May 1922, but his legacy is still alive.
He devoted every moment of his life to the improvement and progress of the rights of society.
Inspiration to Modern India
The steps of Shahuji Maharaj depict the picture of a new India.
The steps of social reform that he took also became a source of inspiration in building the constitution of India.
Dr. Ambedkar also took inspiration from his thoughts and made arrangements to give equal rights to all sections of the society in the constitution of India.
Tributes and Honours
The Government of India has named many institutions and monuments after him in recognition of his contributions, such as Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur. His contributions have been important not just for Maharashtra but for the whole country.
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